Sunday, August 21, 2005


My evening meal is prepared around 4.30pm, so I can eat and clean up before dark. There is plenty of mint for the potatoes from the roof top garden. I have a small propane cooker and two mess tins for cooking in (and then eating from). The potatoes are keeping well, as are the onions (that with olive oil, garlic and seasonings are the starting point for different meals).

Apples and pears are individually wrapped in layers of paper and kept in a box in the darkest and coolest part of the fort. Eating it has become a lucky dip, and tonight's packham pear was a surprise as I thought I had eaten them all. How many more tides I wonder, before I have to resort to the tinned peaches.

Eight miles off shore, I realise how very special it is to have fresh food all the time... and I am mindful of how often we waste it.